CS Computer Systems

MAM and program planning

MAM and program planning

This is the central point of practically all major productions is the media asset management system and in this area and CS provides solutions for cataloguing and monitoring of materials, weather as self-standing systems or integrated into work flows in a broadcasting or production environment. Such MAM systems are also connected with other solutions from our offer, whether these are systems for archiving, news processing or systems of TV graphics, title generating, etc.

In order to round up the entire program broadcasting process, a high quality solution for program scheduling, time sale and planning of resources needs to be implemented. In the program scheduling sphere, we provide our own solution Flly for fast and practical program broadcasting planning. Flly provides creation and propagation of the broadcasting schedule for an arbitrary number of live channels with the frame accuracy, automated connectivity with contents management systems, support for publicity, secondary events, visual editor, and for publication of information in various forms suitable for broadcast and for publishing in XMLTV format. In additional to independent installations, Flly is offered as a cloud solution which is particularly suitable for smaller organizations.